Elementalist/Necro -- what to do with the Necro bit?
This is my current build from memory:
1. Flare (DD, single target)
2. Meteor Shower (Ranged AoE)
3. Fire Storm (Ranged AoE, rain)
4. Inferno (PBAoE)
5. Enfeebling Blood (Curse, AoE Weakness)
6. (Can't remember this one, curse of some sort)
7. Aura of Restoration (Regain HP on spell casting)
8. Resurrection Signet
Attribute points are primarily in Fire and Energy Storage. About 4 in Curses.
I haven't unlocked all the spells yet (notably Fireball).
The plan here is obviously extreme damage fire AoE, with also some ranged AoE curses. It seemed a better idea to chuck out damage than care about curses too much, which is why the ones chosen are AoE.
Are there any "better" curses, or better ways of making use of the Necro side of this character?